b'and Individual Development PlansValued Voice support each other and help iden-broughttheseconversationstotifygrowthopportunitiesforthe the next level. "The Growth GuideWehaveanextraordinarilytal- team.opened up real conversations withented team, and our success fallsIn many ways, COVID forced us to everypersonImetwith.You\'llsquarely on everyone on the teambecome more structured and de-learn something that is importantcontributing.Thethirdelevator,liberateinhowweengagewith to them and can start working thatValuedVoice,providedinsightsourteamstobuildandmaintain intoyourcoachingplanontheonhowtoestablishandencour- a strong culture. We are commit-spot. If you are looking for a way toage employees to speak up! Earlytedtocontinualimprovementin elevate engagement immediately,inthepandemic,AndrewSykorathis area and scheduled quarterly this is it," says Director of Opera- "Syke," one of our Morning Drive"engagementmeetings"withour tions Chris Lloyd. hosts,identifiedthereductioninleadershipteam.Thesemeetings callers during the 5-6 am hour ofaredesignedtoholdeachoth-Our initial Rapid Engagement Sur- themorningshow.Thisenabled veyidentifiedRecognitionasanus to get ahead of the delayed lis- eraccountableforcontinuingto opportunity for growth. "We cre- tening pattern and push the showcommunicate a clear mission, lis-atedafollow-upsurveyfocusedback with great results. Many crit- ten, provide feedback and recog-solelyonthisarea.Questionsicalmovesandinnovativeideasnizegreatwork!Engagementis drilled down on how our employ- comedirectlyfrominsightsfromlike any other priority. It needs to eeswanttoberecognizedandour team.beplanned,andeveryoneneeds what they want to be recognizedto hold each other accountable for for. We delivered the results andEarned Trust results! heldcontinuedconversationsDavidOtero,aMediaConsultant aroundwhatrecognitionmeansThe final elevator is Earned Trust.that onboarded last year, said, "As to each individual," says Mills. TheOpenness and collaboration is ana new seller, I couldn\'t have asked surveyshowedthatnearly70%area where our team excels. Afterfor a better place to work than Cox ofemployees"StronglyAgreed"leaders completed their teams\' in- MediaGroup.Iamalwayscom-withrecognitionbeingimportantdividual Development and Growthmunicatingwithmyteamabout to them and that a simple verbalplans,theywereallsharedwithprospecting, research, and asking acknowledgment was the top waythe leadership team. If we take thequestions throughout the day. Ev-employeeswantedtoberecog- timetoaskouremployeeshoweryone on this team is always will-nized! We took these results andthey want to grow and develop, weing to help and go the extra mile began making consistent changes. must follow up, or trust will dete- to lend their expertise. Cox Media DirectorofSalesMeganBorel- riorate. Having every leader awareGroup really is the definition of a li, found fun and unique ways toof all employee\'s top developmentteam" (and he hasn\'t even smelled goalsenablestheentireteamtothe kitchen yet).keepherteamconnectedduring the pandemic with things like Say SomethingNiceDay."Wehad each employee say something nice about a colleague and unveiled it in a meeting. It was a great way to show recognition and helped kick off the week!" said Borelli.Our work paid off, and we saw our recognitionscoreimproveinour finalCultureBoostengagement survey, says Mills. 123'