b'The Facts You Need on EngagementThe future of WFH.If your company culture is strong, it will turn Surveys show that 80% percent ofemployees into brand employees want to continue working remotely at least occasionally, andambassadors. If it\'s not, it 58% hope it will be their primary waywill turn candidates away. of working. It\'s no surprise, then, that 74% of CFOs plan to make remote work47% of active job seekers cite permanent for some portion of theircompany culture as their driving employees post-COVID. reason for looking for work. Culture counts! Recognition creates Trust!Executives who90% of employees who receive recognition trust leadership more.say their culture is extremely healthy are 1.5 times more likelyWhich is worse? Millennials are to report averageAlthough 60% ofsticking around!revenue growth ofdisengaged employeesContrary to popular belief, more than 15% overare looking for new56% of millennials believe three years. jobs, 40% of disengagedthat an employee should employees don\'t plan onstay at the same company Do you knowgoing anywhere! for more than 20 years.who is trying to sink yourHow important is Earned Trust? boat?77% of H.R. professionals rated "Trust in Leaders " as the Only 35% ofnumber one factor linked to employee engagement.employees are engaged and of the 65% who are disengaged, 52% areThe high cost of disengagementjust going through the motions, whileOne actively disengaged employee can cost your organization 13% are trying to$3,400 for every $10,000 of their salary. sink your boat!Sources: Human Resources Today, Employee Engagement, Snappy.com, Blueboard, Hays Recruitment Study, Instructure, Culture Renovation by Kevin Oakes, The Predictive Index, Grant Thornton LLP and Oxford Economics Study.111'