b'A look ahead: What should yousary. If you want to find some-one who is driven, ask for that If you thought the war for tal- do about all ofbehavior.Whodoyouknow ent is a challenge now, its onlythis? who is self-motivated and sets going to get more intense. Ashighgoalsforthemselves? more businesses anticipate anWell, first of all, if you contin- Ifyouwanttofindsomeone economicrecoveryin2021,ued to build your talent bankwho can close without a prob-theyarecompetingfortheeven in the face of staff reduc- lem,askforthatbehavior. talenttheyneedtocapitalizetions, kudos to you. Keep doingWhomovesclientstowards on the next growth cycle. In ait (but its likely we dont havesolutionsfasterthanothers? Q42020surveyofSMBCEOsto convince you of this). If youWerecommendaNominator byVistageWorldwide(aCEOtook your foot off the pedal asystemthathelpsyoufind mastermind group), hiring, re- bit in building that talent bank,the natural behaviors you are cruiting, and sourcing talent isthere are ways to get back onlooking for, and it will produce theNo.1decisionareaiden- track pretty quickly: a different set of names than tified.Inthesurvey,64%ofsimply asking someone whom CEOs said they plan to increase1. Schedule time onthey think is really sharp.their headcount over the nextyour calendar each3. Ask for help.year. Thats on par with the re- week for outreach sultsreportedoneyearago,Thequestionsabovecanbe pre-pandemic.activity. posed to clients and prospects The survey reveals, on the oneYou want to identify prospectsyou have relationship with, es-hand,CEOsarefocusedonout there who may not be ac- pecially to those who see a lot speed:Theywanttoidentify,tivelyseekinganewjobbutofsalespeopleinyourindus-recruit, hire, and onboard newmight be wooed if they foundtry.Youcanalsoposethese employees at the pace of theagoodmatchbetweenyourquestionsonbusinesssocial recovery.Ontheotherhand,values and theirs. medialikeLinkedInandTwit-theyrefocusedonfitfindingter, or even your help wanted the right talent for their orga- 2. Keep your outreachpostsonvariousjobboards. nizationandcloselyaligningfocused on theMake a list of people and plac-that qualified talent with busi- estowhomyoucanspread ness demands. behaviors you are mostyourmessage.Postsgetfor-looking for. warded all the time even if Thewarfortalentwilllike- the first person reached is not lynotchupinthenextfewYou can add some experiencea fit, they may know someone months. qualifierssecondlyifneces- who is.The very best managers and corporate recruiting teams stepped up their recruiting during the pandemic even if they had no immediate openings, much like savvy investors jumped into the stock market after a steep decline in March.32'