b"THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYDeborah FulghumEngagement Specialist/Culture Coach Up Your Culture (a division of CSS)CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOG12 Ideas to Improve Company CultureH ave you ever read the chil- 12 Ideas to ImproveShared Mission: drens book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie? It's a cir- Company Culture Create a wave that cular tale of how one thing leadsWe know that culture iseveryone wants to to another. powerful, and every company has a culture. The question is, doride, one that brings At times, building company cul- you have the culture you needa contagious and ture can feel the same way. Tooto be successful and profitable? often, leaders feel that building aWhile building a great companymotivating energy.good culture is all about fun andculture evolves over time, there games, with one trend leading toare many ideas you can begin1. Create a company another. It can feel overwhelm- to institute to create the culturepurpose ing. that leads to your employees engagement. Do you have company core val-WhileitisnicetohavefunatThe good news is it only takesues?Thisistheplacetobegin work, the best cultures are thoseone idea to get it all started.yourculturejourney.Whatde-whereanemployeeisengagedTo help you, here are 12 quickfines you as a company? What do in their job and therefore givesideas centered around the fouryou want to become known for? their best at work. That leads thekey components we know leadLet people know WHY they are entire team to perform better asto great cultures of engagedworking there and what the end a whole and drives your compa- employees. Notice that not onegoal is they are working toward ny to increase revenue.mentions a ping pong table. each day.128"