b'T O P Recruitment 10 Trends1.The virtual recruitment process is here to stay. A recent LinkedIn study found that 81% of talent professionals agree that recruitment will continue to be done virtually post-COVID, and 70% say it will be the new standard. In response, companies will need to ensure they have strong recruit-ment and screening tools that will allow them to succeed in this new era.2.Candidates will continue to value jobs that allow them to work from anywhere. If you thought it was a passing pandemic fad, consider the fact that the top keyword search from candidates on Monster continues to be work from home. Also, according to Monster research, remote flexibility was the second biggest policy change reported by employers in 2020.3.On the subject of job flexibility, there is also a trend across many companies to look at alter-natives to the standard 9-5 day and 5-day week. Recognizing the obstacles of working parents and guardians, organizations determined to attract top talent are seeking more accommodating ways for their employees to put the necessary time into their work.4.Organizations will put more effort into tailoring job postings to attract more diverse candidates, reshape the language in job descriptions to be more gender neutral, and advertise jobs in di-verse community groups. We will also see an increase in the number of professional recruiters who specialize in diversity and finding underrepresented demographics.5.Businesses will pay a great deal of attention to their reputation as an employer and work hard to improve their brand. Already, three-quarters of job seekers consider the reputation of a com-pany before applying for a job and refuse to take the next step if that reputation isnt strong. In this effort, companies will find ways to show potential candidates what its like to work there, featuring profiles of top employees on social sites to put a face on the company, and using video to share an inside look.22'