b'enthusiastic,andstudentenroll-ment numbers explode.We asked her to share a few of herthoughtsonhowthispro-gramhelpedhercompanyand teamgrowandprepareforthe future. What attracted you to the Up Your Culture program? od where enrollments are typical-My friend Delana Pajares referredly flat or decreased).me to the program, and when sheOurmanagementteamhasno-explained how it addressed head- ticedthattheemployeemorale oncommunicationstrategies,and attitude has trickled down to balance of power, and employeethe students. As we began to give engagement, I was sold. theemployeesshout-outsand feedbackforpositivelydemon-How would you describestratingourvalues,wenoticedWhat has been your your culture beforethat the employees started givingbiggest takeaway from working with Up Yourshout-out to students for positiveworking with Up Your behaviors (without being coached Culture? to do so). Weve noticed less stu- Culture? Previouslytherewastensiondent absenteeism (fewer students are taking Leave of Absences). AndTheGrowthGuidetoolmadea aroundeverycorner,wewerelastly, our management team washuge impact because it taught us lacking values, and we struggledthrilledattheconclusionofourhow to effectively communicate, with employee turnover. We feltlast fashion show, when the stu- understand,andmotivateour likewewereconstantlyputtingdents started chanting our schoolemployees.Welearnedthatin-out fires and not able to sustainname. It has been years since stu- stead of treating others how we healthyrelationshipswithourdents and staff have had this kindwould like to be treated, we now staff and students. of enthusiasm for our school. strivetotreatothershowthey Please share a fewWhat positive changeswould like to be treated.successes you havehave you seen in yourWould you recommend experienced (big orculture over the last fewthis program to others? small) as a result of thismonths? Why?program. Absolutely! Besides all of the ben-Our instructors and staff are much Ourstudentenrollments(reve- more team-oriented and enthusi- efitsweexperienced,thepro-nue)haveincreased!Whileweastic about supporting each oth- gram was enjoyable and comfort-were typically enrolling 15-20 stu- er.Nowthatweveestablishedable for our team. We will be using dents per month, last month wecorevalues,weareincorporat- the tools and skills we learned for saw an increase to 30 students,ing them into everything we doquite some time, and we antici-and this month we have enrolledand making sure those values arepateusingfutureprogramsyou 38 (and this is during a slow peri- demonstrated and celebrated. have to offer. 115'