b'"COMPANIES WILL FOCUS LESS ON AN INDIVIDUALS CURRENT SKILLS AND MORE ON THEIR ABILITY TO LEARN. 6.Hiring companies will use validated talent assessments to pay increased attention to a candidates ability to communicate, problem solve, and collaborate with others. While these have always been important in sales organizations, in a post-pandemic world, many companies will see them as non-negotiable.7.Newinterviewingtoolsandtechniques,likejobauditions,roleplayinterviews,andproject submissions, will increasingly gain favor as ways to augment the traditional interview process.8.Employer brand will be more important than ever before. Job seekers are researching a businesss reputation, looking at all the information available on social, scouring every web page related to an organization, and paying close attention to image. They are also refusing to go through the selection process with companies they find lacking. Just like customers, future applicants will want to associate themselves with a business that is respected in their industry.9.In order to attract top talent in the candidate-driven market ahead, organizations will build areas on their website dedicated solely to showcasing the employee experience. Candidates will be able to explore the company from the employee perspective, learn more about the company mission and employees, hear stories from employees and customers, and see the ways in which the company has impacted the community.10.will value the benefits that come with having a multi-generational workforce like Companies increased diversity in thinking and improved interactions, and they will seek to maintain a healthy balance of employees from Gen Z to the Baby Boomers.53'