b"CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYBeth SunshinePartner, Engagement Specialist/Culture Coach Up Your Culture (a division of CSS)CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOGFour Engagement Elevators You Can Use to Improve Your Company CultureC ultureispowerful,andin the game and a strong senseFour Engagement likebrand,youregoingof purpose in their work. They to have one whether youknowwhattheyareplayingElevatorslike it or not. The best organiza- for and what they are working tions to work for are the onestoward,andtheyarewilling1. Shared Missionthat recognize this and activelytogivetheirworkeverythingThisisaclearvisionthatev-strive to push the right buttonstheyve got to achieve that suc- eryoneinthegroupbelieves every day to build a positive cli- cess. in and can easily articulate. It's mate and a culture of engage- the beacon that all eyes are on ment.Take time today to think about thecompanycultureyouhaveasthegroupmakestheirway rightnow,andhowthatcom- ontheirjourneytogether.This Hiring for Culturepares to the culture you wouldmissionprovidesacommon Fit build from scratch if you could. language, shared stories, and a strong sense of purpose.Bytheway,achievinganidealCouldyourorganizationstand culture with top-level employeetoimproveyourcompanycul- 2. People Development engagement doesn't mean thatture? Learn from the very best!everyone who works there feelsManagerswhohiretheright Researchershavelearnedthatpeople, and set them up for suc-happy all the time! companies with the highest lev- cessbyclearlycommunicating You'll certainly have higher mo- elsofengagementhavefourexpectations and providing the rale overall, but more than that,thingsincommonandatourright balance of support and au-it really means that employeescompany, we call these the En- tonomy, pave the way for strong feel as though they have a stakegagement Elevators. employeeengagement.They 124"