b'SELECTION C A SE STUDYAlina McComasVP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales StrategyHow to Hire Like a Talent SuperheroS electing candidates who have the right com- (Sima, VP/Senior Consultant) is you want as few bination of talent and fit for your position isflat tires as possible. If they are situational, they a key component to success"right peopleare coachable, but if they are showing a zero in a in the right seats" ring a bell? While this concepttalent, as hard as you coach, it will feel like you are is nothing new, I often see sales leaders strugglebanging your head against the wall.with poor hiring decisions.Allison:Talentiseverythingintherecruitment I recently spoke with three past Talent Superhe- process,andtheOSTImakesitsimplebecause roes to learn about their selection process and theyou dont have to have a bunch of conversations role that talent plays in their hiring decisions. Inand analyze if you think they have talent. You can our conversation, I found it telling that all threeavoid the part where you fall in love and later re-have a very consistent process they follow, whichalizetheydonthavetalent.Youjuststartwith was shared with easestep by step. I wanted totalent. The wondering is eliminated, and you have share the questions asked and answers given tothe facts. With the OSTI, the candidate takes the consider how you might make adjustments or ad- assessment, and then I get that information back ditions to your own selection process. to see if they have talent for sales or if they dont, What role does talent play for each ofand if they dont, I dont have to continue the pro-cesswithmultipleinterviewsbecausetheyare you in the selection process? probably a better fit somewhere else.Tim: The OSTI (Note: the OSTI referenced is nowBen: It would be hard to imagine recruiting and calledtheSalesTalentAssessmentorSTA.)hasnot thinking about talentit is at the core of what been a godsend because we are able to use it atwe look atit starts with that. It puts us in the the beginning of the process, versus waiting untilposition to win, and if you omit it, you are not set-the end and hoping that their talent was a matchting yourself up for success. It leads to better long-forus.AnotherthingthatIlearnedfromKurtterm success.54'