b'LOOKING FOR MORE?Try TFM ExperienceConsider joining our next TFM Experience, the virtual version of our legacy Talent Focused Management (TFM) program. Each class has a maximum of 40 participants, and there is no additional charge for talent clients. The 10-week TFM Experience for managers is focused on both employee growth and organizational growth.It was designed to stretch your thinking and improve your decision-making abilities in the key areas of Recruitment, Selection, Development, and Engagement. During this program, you will be able to learn and practice these essential performance principles in a risk-free environment.The Four Components of the TFM Experience:1. IMPACT People Courses: Online courses that set the stage for this experience. Each course includes a Take Action step that can be applied at work right away.2. Recruitment and Selection Online Simulation: This business simulations are built in a "make your own adventure" style and will allow you to make critical hiring decisions and earn points along the way.3. Virtual Workshop and Live Simulation: This instructor-led program includes both large group discussions and small-group breakouts. Partic-ipants are placed in teams of 5 people who will make decision to impact sales performance in their business unit. The team that achieves the highest performance is crowned our winners.4. The Summit:The experience ends with this special two-hour summit that brings together experts from a variety of fields to discuss how they have successfully applied the TFM principles and impacted their busi-ness performance. During the Summit, participants are guided to build their own plan to improved performance in their "real" business and in the end, the team that makes the best decisions to drive overall sales performance wins! To Register:Log on to thecenterforsalesstrategy.com Click on Resource CenterClick on WorkshopsScroll down to "Talent Focused Management" And click on Register'