b'How Does Culture Influence Your Business?Thisappliesasmuch(ifnot more)toyourbusinessasit does to the business of sports. Youmustfocusonthetalent partoftheequationfirst,en-suring you only bring those on boardwhohavethepotential for excellence, and you should useareliablepredictivetal-ent instrument that is the right match for your specific job role. Butdontstopthere!Justlike USASwimming,youneedto alsofocusonbringingpeople on board who are the right fit for your company and your cul-ture. If youve ever hired a high-lytalentedpersonwhodidnt work out, then you know what were talking about.Whenyougettheculturefit right, your people feel more en-ergized,engaged,productive, andhappy.Thatswhatdrives people to activate their talents!How Do You Hire for Culture Fit? Youneedtostartbyclearly definingyourcompanycultureYou need to make sure you get bothandmakingsureallofyour leadersareinagreement.Un- the talent and the culture fit righttil you determine who you are asacompanyanddefineyourwith every single hire you make.core values, you wont be able to know whether someone is a good fit or not.Schedule time to meet with yourbelieve in. Every hire you makeplace and a clear understanding company leaders and find a waywill either add to your companyof your company culture, youll toclearlyarticulatewhoyouculture or detract from it. Withbe able to select those who add are as a company and what youastrongtalentassessmentinto it.67'