b'Talent BankAs a strong recruiter, you need to constantly look for talent and make deposits into your Talent Bank so you will be able to make withdrawals when you need them. The Talent Bank in your Talent Dashboard allows you to easily add candidates, sort them by categories, such as experience and interest level, and assess their innate talents. Most importantly, it gives you exactly what you need to nurture your relationship with those who will be top candi-dates in the future. Team CompositesWhen recruiting top performers and building a strong Talent Bank, it is important to clearly understand the common areas of strength and weakness of your current team.Are you naturally hiring lots of people people but finding that you have very few natural closers in the bunch? It is helpful to periodically look at the talent intensities of your team as a whole, recognizing areas of common strengths and weakness so you can ensure that you are man-aging your natural blind spots and recruiting top talent across the board. Top Talent ReportCreating a strong candidate experience is critical these days, and lets be honest, thats a hard thing to do if you are telling most of your candidates that they are not right for your job! Now you can build your company brand and provide your candidates (even the ones you dont hire) with something of value they can use in their future job hunt and career growth. The Top Talent Report gives salespeople clear insight into their top five strengths along with specific and actionable strategies they can use to maximize their talents and improve their sales performance.Up Your Culture The most powerful recruitment tool you can have is a sterling reputation as an employer of choice. The Up Your Culture division of CSS can help you create a thriving culture of en-gagement that attracts top talent who want to be a part of it. 48'