b'Talent Plus conducted a remarkable study overagers want to know that their employees are the last year and discovered leading-edge in- open to input and highly coachable.sights into defining characteristics of top-per- Manytop-performingorganizationsaremov-formingsalesmanagersandleaders.Theseing away from the one person-one job concept. characteristics include having a strong sense ofInstead of placing an employee on a team with purpose and mission, constantly learning andwhich they will work exclusively, some compa-adapting, and making swift decisions, and theynies are creating a more agile work structure are now measured by the Management Talentin which an employee can move around in var-Interview. It turns out that these innate behav- ious teams and multiple projects according to iors are more predictive in future performancetheir talents, skills, and ability to contribute. than experience, education, and knowledge!Strong selection decisions often begin with aIts important to consider culture fit when hir-JobAnalysisandSpecSheet.Managersfinding.Youcandothatbyclearlydefiningyour thatittakestime,butitsworthitbecausecompany culture and making sure all of your then when you cast your net far and wide, youleaders are in agreement. Until you determine can easily spot those candidates who have thewhoyouareasacompanyanddefineyour must-havetalents,skills,andexperiencescore values, you wont be able to know wheth-you need for success in that specific role. er someone is a good fit or not.Its important to have a repeatable selectionEmployer brand is more important than ever process. One manager recommends that youbefore. Job seekers are researching a businesss start by identifying your must-have talents,reputation, looking at all the information avail-skills, and experiences and then use the appro- able on social, scouring every web page related priate talent assessment for the role. Once youto an organization, and paying close attention determinewhichcandidatesmeetyourmin- to image. They are also refusing to go through imumrequirements,conductaone-on-onethe selection process with companies they find interview to learn more about their personal- lacking. Just like customers, future applicants ity, behaviors, and fit. Still like what you see?will want to associate themselves with a busi-Scheduleasecondinterviewwithtwootherness that is respected in their industry.people(managersorpeers),scheduletimeDiversityinanorganizationwillcontinueto with a Talent Analyst to discuss talent and fit,be one of the most embraced trends this year ask additional follow-up questions, and checkfor many reasons. 62% of candidates will turn references.down a job offer if the company doesnt sup-Coachability is high on the priority list of hiringport a diverse workforce and diversity is good managers these days. With constant shifts infor business since it inspires unique thinking, technology, business, and the economy, man- innovation, and growth.Diversity in an organization will continue to be one of the most embraced trends this year.73'