b"Eliminate a specific employee due to lack of per-formance and drama (low sales + high drama = not a good situation). Conduct Growth Guide meetings with each team member, schedule time to review their talents with a Talent Analyst, and then create Priority Strategies to grow the seller. Set clear expectations and accountability stan-dards and provide increased transparency.ConductweeklymeetingsIFMswitheach seller to focus on account development.Execute a Sales Bootcamp to focus on skill devel-opment and driving revenue.Upgrade talent as needed.Get involved to help sellers drive revenuelead-ing by example instead of merely being a boss (telling people what to do).KassieTaksey,GeneralSalesManager,FederatedMedia, Here's an overview of the plan in Kassey's words: Fort Wayne, Indiana.I really began to help each person individually andcouple of sellers, and a couple of others were weeded soar with their strengths. Sellers who were not real- out because they could not meet the expectations. ly creative were given proven solutions to sell. WeIputtogetheraBootcampinAugustwherewe used our Sales Playbook, and we set our eyes on aall brought a list of 20 leads and sat in a confer-path to reach our sales goals. I worked to changeence room together and made phone calls one at the mentality so we thought of ourselves as a team,a time and listened and took notes of what went and we worked together for a common goal. Wewell and what could have been done differently. I had weekly IFMs in person (if comfortable) on Mon- gave scripts for the call and for the email follow-up day to set the week up. We had weekly team Zoom(Sales Play). The exercise put everyone in the same calls every Wednesday with all 3 stations playersuncomfortable situation to see how others got past joining in. On these calls, we talked about the winsthe gatekeeper and how to learn from what others for the week, the losses for the week (very import- are doing. It was meant to be lighthearted and fun ant so everyone could see it was tough for every- while building the team to work together and win. one), and we would pick a topic to discuss and trainIn three hours, we scored nine appointments and on, and we would end with a silly game or trivia orthree new sales from it. funny quote (each member of the team had to come up with this item on their given week). These wereThe Performancevery important to the team to get some structure in their Sales Plays. The three stations finished the year in a good place. I really worked with each one individually on theirThe largest station in her three-station cluster hit strengths to focus on where they could get wins andbudget and a combined 26 Target to Key Conver-with a whole team effort. By May, we were gettingsions in 2020. Solid performance indeed, consider-the wins one Target to Key at a time. Every monthing this happened during the year of COVID. was better than the month before, and we startedAdditionally, the turnover problem was solved, and to really focus on the areas of strength each personthe drama factor was eliminated. All this set the ta-brought to the table. Through the year, I added able for an even more productive 2021!89"