b'EMPLOYEES FEEL AS THOUGH THEY HAVE A STAKE IN THE GAME AND A STRONG SENSE OF PURPOSE IN THEIR WORK. careabouttheirpeople,buildThey allow others to talk as theywhat is expected of them. They individualizedrelationships,sincerely listen and, in turn, theylive the values they espouse ev-transparentlyshareinforma- share information and concerns.eryday,whichcanbeseenin tion, coach both strengths andThisallowscompaniesgreatertheir day-to-day actions.weaknesses, and provide mean- insighttoavoidproblemsandConsider whether one or more ingful feedback. also creates a flow of ideas.of these engagement elevators 3. Valued Voice 4. Earned Trust needs to go up in your compa-ny and commit to a few specif-Employeestrusttheircowork- Thismeanskeepingitrealaticactionsthatyourleadership ers and leaders, participating inwork.Peoplemeanwhattheygroup can do today to make it open, two-way communication.sayandcanbetrustedtodohappen!125'