b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYJim HopesManaging Partner The Center for Sales StrategyCENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOGHow to Give Effective Performance Feedback in the Work-From-Home EnvironmentW hile all the guidelinesperiencethe pandemic.feedback from a formal and in-thatapplytopro- frequentexercisetoaninfor-ductive performanceWe all have stories about whatmal and frequent process with reviews still apply in our work- we are and are not doing theseregular feedback. from-home environment, theredays. This is one good thing that arecertainlynewdynamicsinhascomefromthepandemicThat is best done through con-howandwherethisfeedbackexperience,anditmakesap- tinualweeklycoaching,after gets shared. proaching the feedback processspecificjointsalescalls,and with empathy presumably easi- when revisiting goals and plans. Becausewereinvitedintoer to do. Ultimately,salesexecutives homesmoreoften(thankstomusthelptheirdirectreports video meetings), we know moredeveloptheirsalesskillsbe-about our people and their per- Giving Feedback to causethatistheonlywayto sonallife.WeseetheirhomeRemote Employees deliver sales results. environment, interact with their kids and pets, and most impor- Weve always been proponentsWevealwaysbeenbigpropo-tantly, we all share more aboutof giving effective performancenents of in-field coaching where ourownpersonalchallengesfeedbackandouroverarchingmanagers accompany sellers on because we have a common ex- advice is to move performancecallswiththeprimarygoalof 102'