b'how we help with ENGAGEMENTUp Your CultureEngaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their organization. After working so hard to recruit, select, and develop your people, it is painful to lose them and watch your investment walk right out the door. The Up Your Culture program helps you to clearly understand how engaged your employees are and who may be at risk and significantly increase your culture of engagement.Coaching RemindersOnce you have identified the Priority Strategies for each one of your direct reports, you can use the Coaching Reminders feature to schedule handy reminders.While you may not need a reminder for every Priority Strategy you establish, youll certainly find it helpful for some. This system makes it easy to schedule a regular text message or email reminder so that you get the prompt at just the right time and nothing ever falls through the cracks. Effective FeedbackOne of the best engagement tools you have in your toolbox is Effective Feedback. We can help you to identify the kind of feedback your people need from you during your Individual Focus Meeting, Field Coaching opportunities, and training sessions. Effective OnboardingYou cant afford to lose the employees who you worked so hard to recruit, hire, and train!A strong onboarding program makes a huge difference and recent studies prove they can in-crease retention rates by 100%.The Effective Onboarding course guides managers to build a detailed and customized onboarding checklist, set strong expectations with their people, and build a clear path for ongoing growth and strong retention. 134'