b"right answer to these questions is yes. Open-endedinterviewing and, with those rose-colored glasses questions will provide you with much more to workon, throw a bunch of softballs at them before you with. For example: make what might ultimately be the wrong hire.Do you think you can handle the tough negotia- 5. Trying to Cover Too Much Ground tions that go along with the major accounts thatDuring One Intervieware on this list? Yes.We focus a lot on our goals here, and its import- In an effort to get to know the candidate better, hir-ant that everyone makes budget every month. Ising managers often toss a wide variety of questions that a good environment for you? Yes. at them in one sitting. They ask questions about:4. Allowing Glare to Interfere withSkillsObjectivity ExperienceIf the candidate attended your alma mater, sharesGoalsan interest in one of your hobbies, or just returnedPersonalityfrom your favorite vacation spot, it is much morePreferencesdifficult to get an unbiased read of their potential. Resume highlightsItseasytofallinlovewiththepersonyou're Past failures41"