b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYMindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales StrategyIs It Time For A Talent Checkup? Three Tips For Hiring and Developing Top SellersC an you say yes to each ofthese,itspossibleyouhavea strong talent bank to turn to these statements? some talent issues to address. whenyouhaveanopenposi-tion.Wehiremuchbetter salespeoplethanourcom- How to Hire and petitors. Develop Top Sellers 1. Build a Strong Talent BankOur sales management teamIts a great time to assess your is a clear strength of our or- currentrecruitmentandselec- Treat recruitment and selection ganization. as two separate processes. Seek tion process and make improve- out highly talented sales candi-Every member of our team isments to ensure you bring thedates of various experience lev-a solid performera keeper. rightpeopleonboard.Whenels before you have an opening. Wehaveaclearsuccessionyou hire the right talent and putSet a goal for yourself to make planforeverypersonforthem in the right position, thendepositsinyourtalentbank whom it is appropriate. invest in them and coach them,eachmonthandnurtureyour Currently,allofoursales- the individual and the organiza- relationship with these potential people are performing at ortion grows. candidates. That way, when you above expectations. have an opening, you have op-The best way to ensure you hiretions, and youre not left scram-Ifyouanswerednotoanyofmore top performers is to havebling to find someone.68'