b"I likeeverysignificantstrate- Erik Hellum: The average sales rep is just tseems gy conversation happening these daysthataverage.Theydontconsistently centers around talent and the impor- hitbudgets,writesomebutnotmuch tance of strong selection, coaching, andnew business, are not the early adopters, engagement/retention. This makes sensedont have essential client relationships as a successful business is only as goodthat they can leverage, arent constant-as the people who work there. As Peterly seeking to get better, and dont have Drucker(whoBusinessweekreferredanoutsizedimpactonthecompanys to as the Man who invented manage- revenues and future. The highly talent-ment) said, It is the people who deter- ed, top-performing sellers do all of those minetheperformancecapacityofthethings and more. I really believe that this organization.is an exponential, not a multiple answer. While most organizations recognize theIn other words, the top sellers are expo-value of their people and the importancenentially better (think x to the 3rd or 4th) of their people strategies, as the sayingrather than 3x to 4x better.goes, its easier said than done. A trueWhy is having a talent-based commitment to top-notch selection and powerful development of people takes asales organization such a strong resolve and an all-in commitment. priority for you?Several of our clients do this exception- RobBabin:Weareinthebusinessof ally well, and we recently had the oppor- helping companies grow and win in their tunity to sit down with a couple of keymarketplace by providing marketing ex-executives to get their input. pertise and integrated advertising cam-WemetindividuallywithErikHellum,paigns.Ithasbecomemorecomplex COOofTownsquareMedia,andRobthan ever, and companies need partners Babin, SVP of CMGRadio, and we askedwho can help them understand their cus-them a few questions on this topic. Readtomersandnavigatethecomplexmar-through the insights they shared and I'mketing landscape. The most critical fac-sure you will draw the same conclusiontor in achieving success is having a staff wedid.It'snowonderthatthesetwoofsalesprofessionalswhoareinnately companies are as successful as they are when it comes to the people thing!In your opinion, how much better is a highly talented, top-performing seller than just an average sales rep?RobBabin:Farbetter!Talentedsales professionalsdevelopmorenewbusi-ness, have less client attrition, and grow theirexistingclientsyear-after-year. There is an innate sense of commitment, drive, passion, and satisfaction in devel-oping and growing their clients business-es. Time spent with top talent will yield aErik Hellum, COO of TownsquareRob Babin, SVP of CMGRadiomuch greater return. Media7"