b'3. Inform them. 7. Ask them how they want to be Dont just tell them what they need to do, talk withtreated. them about why they need to do it. Get their buy- Make a list of the things you will need to know in in, ask their thoughts, and show them that theyorder to individualize your coaching, and then ask are a critical piece in the bigger picture of whatthem every question on the list. you are trying to accomplish.How do they like to celebrate successes? 4. Spend time with them to developWhentheyarestruggling,howdotheywant their natural strengths. you to offer your help? Dont try to coach them from behind your desk.Will they come to you with things that are on Go out in the field and watch them in action. their mind or should you make it a point to ask them instead?5. Give them specific feedback onWhat do they expect of you as their manager what they are doing right. this year?Anddothatoften.Didyouknowthatthetypi- What do they think you expect of them? cal person needs five positive comments beforeQuestions like that.they are really open for one piece of constructive coaching? They also need to hear positive feed- 8. Work with them to set meaningful back from you at least once every seven days. Putgoals and help them track their those rules together and we call it the 5-7 Happyprogress.Hour Rule. 6. Treat each person as an individual. Show them how invested you are in their success.As a sales manager, you should never let a good Understand their unique strengths and challengetalent go to waste. Help your gifted sellers activate them to grow in those areas. their talent and make something happen.Hard work beats talent when talent doesnt work hard.95'