b'STR AIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSKatelin TinleyVice President/General Manager CMG - Long IslandHow CMG Long Island Improved Culture and Increased Employee EngagementW hen you pull up to thehands,andwewerefacedwithing on and celebrating this shared officesofCoxMediathechallengeofmaintainingamission makes our priorities clear Group Long Island, youstrong level of engagement. to our employees and customers. will not be overcome by its gran- We partnered with Up Your Cul- It also enables us to hold our em-deur. It\'s a small single-floor build- ture, a division of CSS, and had allployees accountable for living our ing. The interior is a simple circlepeople leaders participate in thevalues!"with the studios in the center. But"Culture Boost" program.what it may lack in beauty, it over- People Developmentcomes with heart. From the mo- An Employee Rapid Engagement ment you enter the building, youSurveyestablishedabaselinePeopleDevelopmentisthesec-will notice a certain buzz. It\'s loud.score for our engagement in theondengagementelevator."Em-People are laughing and minglingfour"EngagementElevators":ployeedevelopmenthasalways withoneanother.IfyoutookaShared Mission, People Develop- been a top priority for CMG and stroll around the circle, you mightment,ValuedVoice,andEarnedCMG Long Island. Over a third of notice the Chief Engineer donningTrust.our employees started in our In-a long pink wig or read the com- ternship Program, demonstrating munitywhiteboardaskingtheShared Mission theimportanceandsuccessof question,"whatadjectivebestcultivating our own home-grown describes what the kitchen smellsShared Mission, the first elevator,talent,"saysMills.However, like"? Visitors would often lingeris where we identified our core val- duringthepandemic,providing andnotewhatafunplacethisues; Teamwork, Integrity, and Re- traditionalopportunitiesforde-must be to work, and it was truesults-Driven. Office Manager (andvelopmentbecameachallenge. the "building" was fun. Then ev- residentCultureLeader)JessicaConsistentone-on-oneconver-erythingchanged.OnceCOVIDMills said, "Culture Boost directedsationswithemployeesensured hit, there was no longer a "build- us on how to take this informationthey felt engaged and challenged, ing."And at the same time, sev- and combine it with our vision tobut tools from the Culture Boost eral key leadership roles changedcreate our shared mission. Focus- like User Guides, Growth Guides, 122'