b'2. Live, dont laminate Peoplesays 90/10. They encourage the person they are with to do 90% Are you consciously living by theDevelopment: Helpof the talking. Imagine what you words you expect others to liveothers improve andwill learn if you do this.by? Live by a do as I do, not a do as I say mentality. When othersfeel more fulfilled in5. Focus on learning seeyoulivingbythesewords,their roles. opportunitiestheywillmoreeasilyseetheir importance and follow your lead. 4. Take time to listenStudiesshowhowimportant learninganddevelopmentis 3. Reward and recognizeWhat are their aspirations, goals,to people. Is there an area this andpersonaldreams?Bethequarterwheresomeonecould Giveshout-outstothosewholeader that listens more and talksgrow?Imagineifyoufocused live by your core values, sharingless.Someonerecentlysharedon one area each quarter; their withotherswhatyousawandwith me that they make a notelevel of personal fulfillment and celebratingallowsthosewordsat the top of their Individual Fo- accomplishment increases as the to come to life. cusMeeting(IFM)notesthatyear passes.129'