b'6. Provide constructivethoughts or ask ideas others have feedbackon improvements? Set aside time for whiteboard thinking that could Take time to coach others in thelead to new and exciting changes momenttohelpinemployeethat deliver great results. Empow-growth. Ask what they felt wenter others to share and add freely. well,whattheywoulddoagainNo idea is a bad idearemember and what ideas they add to makethis in brainstorming, encourage itbetternexttime.Feedbackpeople to share and tell you more.needs to be constructive, timely9. Live by the Platinum and helpful. When you are trust-edandpeoplefeelyoucare,Rule they take this feedback in a safe zone, knowing you are trying toItissoeasytocoachothersby help them be at their best. the Golden Rule, which is to treat others how you want to be treat-Valued Voice: ed. But do they really respond the same way you do? The Platinum Promote anRule allows you to treat them as environment whereTHEYwanttobetreated.Take timetohearwhatmakesthem employees feel freetick and make sure to take these comfortable sharingmotivationsintoaccountwhen and voicing theirinteracting with each person.opinions. Earned Trust:Trust is the foundation 7. Conduct engagementof everything you do surveys in developing a strong Takeapulseonhowyourteam isfeeling.Engagementsurveysculture. The most should be confidential and allowhighly engaged and employeestosharetheirtrue feelings.Weencourageyoutohigh performing teams makethispartofyourannualtrust their leadershipheard, lay out plans to take action plan.Imaginehowtheengage- on these thoughts and share this and are willing to walkwith them, trust begins. Increase ment of employees changed fromyour communication and remem-2019 to 2020! What people needthrough trenches with changesregularly,conductingber to be as transparent as you them. can.quick surveys allows you to take note and make needed changes. 10. Act on engagement11. Do what you say you 8. Encourage new ideassurveyswill do Some of the best ideas are withMakesureyousharesurveyre- Keepingyourpromises.Dont thosethatworkthefrontlines.sults with your team. When youmake promises you cant keep in Doyoutaketimetoheartheacknowledge that their voice wasorder to please people in the mo-130'