b'Promote an environment where employees feel free comfortable ment. Be open and honest, shar- sharing and voicing their opinions.ingtruthfullyyourcapabilities. Dontforgetthatactionsspeak louder than words! edgementsprovidesasenseofment. The most important take-12. Be humble freedom for them to do the sameaway is that it all starts with just with you. ONE strategy to get you your mo-It is okay to admit you are human.There are many ways to keep thementum moving towards a better Letothersknowwhenyoufeelcircular motion of a strong cultureengagedteam.Onethingreally you failed them, let them down,alive these days. The great newsdoesleadtothenext,justlike or didnt hold true to your word.is each of the ideas shared herethe mouse with the cookie but in Allowing people to see that youwork whether you are in persona more constructive and produc-trustthemwiththeseacknowl- or working in a remote environ- tive way.131'