b"back will help them understand how to use their strengths and grow.3. Provide Coaching and Feedback Providingcoaching,giving qualityfeedback,andhelping yoursellerstobuildontheir strengthswillhelpthemgrow andachievesuccess.Ifyou're not providing positive feedback on their strengths, and helping themworkaroundtheirweak-nesses, you are missing an op-portunity.Worktounderstandthe strengthsandweaknessesof eachindividualyoumanage, then create 2-3 coaching strat-egies to help them perform at The best way to ensure you hire moretheir best.top performers is to have a strongPerformance Begins talent bank to turn to when you havewith Talentan open position. The best products and services intheworlddon'tholdupa company if no one buys them. Its crucial to have a strong tal- candidatesnaturaltalentsandAcquiringtoptalentisthees-ent bank, and just as important,abilities align with your expecta- sentialfirststepanorganiza-once you have an open position,tions. Analyze the position andtionmustmake.Performance to place people in roles wheremakealistoftheinnateabil- beginswithtalent.Hiringthe right salespeople is vital to the their talents are a strong match.ities,skillsandexperiencere- growth a success of any organi-Conductingajobanalysiswillquired for that job. This will helpzation.helpyoufigureoutwhatyouyou select the candidate in your need for the position and thentalentbankwhobestfitswithRemember that hiring is just one matchthattothebestcandi- what you need. step. Recruitment and retention date in your talent bank. effortsarealsojustascrucial. Asyoucanimagine,itdoesntThere'snodoubtthatgetting end there. You cant hire top tal- the right team in place, provid-2. Conduct a Job Analy- ent and then ignore them think- ing quality training, and follow-sis ingtheywillsucceedbecauseing up with tactics that support theyre talented. Your coaching,the overall sales culture leads to Taketimetomakesuretheteaching,mentoringandfeed- a boost in performance.69"