b'Achiever:Hasasenseofurgencyabout winning and hitting goals. Moves the team forward with a clear understanding of how to make things happen and holds people accountable.People Acumen: Arranger:Naturallyorganizesallofthe elementsnecessaryforsuccess.Ableto make shifts in both people and processes to move forward.Relationship:Buildsstrongrelationships based on trust. Invests in people to help them grow and succeed.Influence:Persuasion:Takessmart,calculatedrisks andstandsupforwhattheybelieve. Fueled by a competitive spirit and able to pushpeoplepastobstacles,resistance, and reluctance.Command: Hard-wired to take charge and movepeopleforward.Proactive,action-oriented, always driving outcomes.Thought Process:BusinessAcumen:Goodjudgment; understands all moving parts that lead to successfuloutcomes.Knowswhatneeds to happen and drives the team to achieve the outcome.Agility: Quick thinker and able to use both data and intuition to make good decisions. Recognizespatternsbeforetheyhappen, whichallowsthemtochangedirection quickly. Use our Management Talent A Winning Hand Assessment and deal yourself Ifyouexpecttowinthisyearandgoinga winning hand!forward,youneedtopsalesleadership talent to do it. Dont settle for less. Use our ManagementTalentAssessmentanddeal yourself a winning hand!60'