b'A GLIMPSE INSIDETHE CSS LIBRARYTeam Developmentteam to learn from their readingquickfive-questionbookreport, experience. andthenshareonewithour Through Reading team.Thisleadstoindividualgrowth Books Our Teamwith the extra benefit of our teamWe know that reading a book is Read in 2020 getting stronger as well. Each per- one of the best ways to increase sonhasdifferentinterestsandour creativity, improve our vocab-At The Center for Sales Strategytheknowledgetheyshareele- ularyandaddnewthoughtsto (CSS), we are a team of extreme- vates our team in return. subjects, allowing us to be strong lyhighachievers.WerealwaysHeressomethinguniquewethought leaders.looking for ideas for self-improve- PAY people to read. Imagine that!Together, we read over 35 books ment.Somuchso,thatinourWe will pay people up to $100 ain2020!Heresaglimpseinside annualEmployeeEngagementquarter to read books, submit aour 2020 library.surveyeachyear,learningand developmentarealwaysatthe top of the list of what our team craves.Knowing this, we add learning op-portunities in multiple ways. One important development opportu-nity comes through the CSS Quar-terly Book Club.A Glimpse Inside our 2020 Library for Learning and DevelopmentOurbookclubisdifferentfrom most,aswedoNOTreadthe same book for discussion. Instead, everyone is encouraged to read a business book that interests them and leads to their own personal growth.Thenweaskthatthey share their top takeaways for the 137'