b'4. Choose wisely. skills, and experience you real- Rememberthechorusofarti-lyneedforthatparticularjobclesfromfinancialprofession-Remember how critical it is toopening. Every candidate mustals about what to do when the havetoptalentineveryseatbe the right fit for your compa- stock market plunges? Most of whenyourforcehasbeenre- ny and your job. When you putthemsaidthebasicprinciples duced.Youshouldprepareaofsoundinvestingstillapply, Job Analysis that has you thinkagreen,triangleshapedpegandtheyhavebeenproven through the particular openingintoagreen,triangleshapedright over time. And so it is with you have and then have a Spechole, your structure works well.talentandyourorganization. Sheet that outlines the talents,A forced fit does not. Never stop recruiting!33'