b'Talent Suggestion #1 Suggestion #2Achiever Set quantifiable objectives. Celebrate goal achievement and reward them for completion. Competition Consider gamification of developmentMake development goals challenging and objectives. competitive. Responsibility Create a learning/development contract. Ask them to set their own individual learning goals.Set deadlines for objectives, be honestBe sure to acknowledge the hard Work Ethicwith time commitments for development. work and time they put into their own development. DisciplineSet expectations but allow them to createProvide encouragement and recognize the details of the plan.their work in front of others. PositivityCreate excitement around objectives andConsider enlisting them as a champion of celebrate completion with them.learning and development initiatives. RelationshipGet to know their interests and integrateAsk them to mentor newer members of them into their development plan.the team.Be sure to build a strong sense ofEnlist their help to build case studies Individualizerconnection to what they are learning.that can be used in Learning and Development. ActivatorEncourage negotiation training to growInvolve them in peer learning to help these innate skills.generate interest and participation. Accelerator Encourage negotiation training to growInvolve them in development and these innate skills. learning for new sellers. Consider as a teacher for their areas ofFurther hone their expertise and Learnerstrength.encourage them to develop other areas as well. Ensure that learning and developmentInvolve them in development and Problem Solveropportunities are valuable and offer themlearning for the team.new ways to solve problems. Self-directed does not mean setcurrentrole,orevenwhatyourthe content, delivery, and imple-itandforgetitasamanager,organization currently offers. Justmentation of learning. itisstillyourresponsibilitytoensure that it is relevant and ap-helpyourpeoplefocusontheirplicablethere should still be a talents.Whilediscussingdevel- Leverage Technology business case for what we learn opmentopportunities,taketheand the areas that people are be- in People ideas above into consideration for each Sales Talent.ing developed. As we have seenDevelopment with many things during the pan-Dontlimitdevelopmentoppor- demic, technology is on our sideWe may be apart, but technology tunitiesbasedonsolelytheirand offers the ability to enhancehas allowed us to continue work-82'