b'Itssmarttomaketimeforre-cruitmenteachmonthand schedule calendar reminders forHere are the Top Ways yourself. Decide who will own recruitment. It could be one in- Managers Found dividual, multiple people, or the entire leadership team.Finding Sales SuperstarsSuperstar Talent:Lastyear,managersfound superstarsinmanydifferent ways.Wereceivedmultiple3 % 2 % 2 % Referralsexamples of receiving referrals% 3 % LinkedInandhiringformeremployees,3 % Applied4 % 28but other than that, the exam- Competitionpleswerevariedandincluded4 % Recruiterjobboards,LinkedIn,collegeInternal Hirejob fairs, and networking. This4 % Advertistingdemonstratestheimportance Former Employeeof fishing in different ponds and6 % Networkinglooking for talent in several dif-ferent ways. Try not to put allIntern Program your eggs in one basket. As you7 % 13 % Job Boardarefine-tuningyourrecruit- Local Collegementstrategy,brainstormall9 % % Social Media10 Former Coworkerthe ways you might find talent, then set aside time each week to identify potential candidateswww .TheCenterforSalesStrategy .com andaddthemtoyourTalentFinding Sales Superstars Data Chart-B2BBank.Make time for recruiting, even if you The top 5 waysare not able to hire right away. our clients found superstar worked in another department.When this individual was furloughed salespeople indue to the pandemic, they asked them to complete an STA, and it 2020: turns out their instincts were right. The former employee is highly talented and Recommended on the STA. They were able to hire this 1 . Referrals individual and now consider them to be a sales superstar. 2 .Former employees 6-year Sales Superstar Study3 .Corporate recruiters4 .Competition Wecompiledourresearchfromthepastsixyearsinthechart 5 .LinkedIn above. This is a list of the top talent sources and the percentage of top performer examples we received in each one. Referrals and AlwaysbeonthelookoutforLinkedIn have consistently been the most common ways our clients salestalentinotherdepart- have found superstars over the past six years. When building your ments.Onemanagerrecog- recruitment strategy, you might consider creating specific goals for nized talent in an individual whoasking for referrals and searching LinkedIn for talent. 25'