b'RECRUITMENT C A SE STUDYTrey MorrisVP/Senior Consultant The Center for Sales StrategyHow COVID Changed RecruitingA ago,whenIspokesales role. Too often that advicesincegeneratingnewbusiness year withclientsabouttheirfell on deaf ears. becameevenmoreimportant, talentrecruitingstrat- Well, that all changed in Marchand our team shifted to a work-egy,italwaysfocusedontwo2020,thankstoyourfriendlyfrom-homeenvironment,we things. First, the low unemploy- worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.focused on those two aspects to ment rate made it difficult to at- determinethetalentsthatwe tract good, talented people forSince the start of COVID, work- were looking for," said Hynson. their sales teams. Second, theyforces were cut, unemployment"We recruited and interviewed wantedtalentedsalespeople,rose,andtalentbecamemuchwithalaserfocusonourDe-but they always leaned towardsmoreavailable.Wealsoallsired Talent List, created primar-experienced sales reps. started working from home. Allily from Hunter and Work-from-My response was always prettyofthesechangeshaveimpact- Home talents." much the same. When you fo- ed the sales recruitment world.AstheydevelopedtheirJob cusonexperienceratherthanThe roles that we are recruitingAnalysisandSpecSheetsfor talent, you will always have dif- for now are different and may- theiropensalespositions, ficultyattractinggoodcandi- be even more important than inHynsonfocusedontheirnew dates,andtheywillalwaysbethe past.businessrolesandhowthese moreexpensive.Always!Ien- I recently spoke with David Hyn- accountexecutiveswouldbe couragedourclientstofocusson,VicePresidentofSales,workingremotelyforthenear ratheronthecandidate\'snat- Dallas-Fort Worth iHeartMedia.future(andmaybebeyond). uraltalentfirst,thenworkonDavidsharedhowCOVIDhasTheystartedwiththetalents "training" them on the skills thatchanged what they look for in athatanewbusinesshunter they will need to know in theirsales rep candidate. "This year,needs to be a superstar on their 26'