b'notworkforeveryone,andif wewantourteamstoabsorb new info, we have to come up withcreativewaystoteach/coach.What coaching strategies do you plan on implementing as a result of what you learned in the Growth Guide?Sonya:Ireallyneedtore-de-velopstrategiesandplansfor eachofmyteammembers basedontheirnewgrowth goals, challenges in the remote environment,andsuggestions on how to improve processes. I am really having to adapt and findnewwaystoconnectas well. We are missing that nor-mal one-on-one time going to lunch,chitchatting,etc.,and someoftheAEsreallyneed that.How did these Growth Guide conversations help strengthen your relationship with direct reports? We encourage you to complete a Growth Guide with each direct Sonya: They definitely appreci- reportonceayearandcreate ate it because it is all focused1-3coachingstrategiesbased on them and their growth andonwhatyouuncoveredduring success. It absolutely helps es- thesesessions.Utilizingthein-tablishtrustintheirmanagerformation that you learn will help and the company, that we areyou grow relationships and indi-investingtimetolearnaboutvidualize your approach to each whatismosthelpfultothemunique person you manage. As a and not treating everyone theresult, employees will feel cared same way, and assuming thereabout and get what they need to isacookie-cutterwayofap- be successful, which will elevateSonya Villamagna, Local Sales Manager, proaching things. engagement. TEGNA, KHOU 11 Houston, TX117'