b"THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYMindy MurphySenior Talent Analyst The Center for Sales StrategyCENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOGReinforce Positive Behavior in the Workplace Through Employee RecognitionT hebenefitsofemployeerecognitionarePlain and simplewith plenty of data as backupfar-reaching. When employees receive recog- recognition programs help ensure that you notice nition for a job well done, they want to repeatsuccesses and retain your top performers. Recog-the positive behaviors that led to that success, in- nition has the power to increase retention, motiva-creasing productivity and performance. tion, productivity, engagement, and loyalty. The lack This is because people are neurologically hard-wiredthereof also has the power to push your employees torepeatpositivebehaviorswhentheyreceiveout the door.praise.Meaningful recognition activates the brains limbic system, causes a rush of dopamine, and com- Create an Effective Employee pels us to repeat rewarding behaviors, explains BethRecognition ProgramSunshine, Partner at Up Your Culture.An employee recognition program is not a one-size-The Influence of Employeefits-allapproach.Themosteffectivefeedbackis Recognition individualized to how each person wants to be rec-ognized. For example, some people like public recog-A recent Gallup study stressed the importance of em- nition, while others appreciate private recognition. ployee recognition and found top performers needStart by asking each person questions like:to know their efforts are recognized and valued. The data revealed that only one in three workers in theHow do you like to be recognized for your accom-U.S. strongly agrees that they received recognitionplishments?or praise for doing good work in the past seven days. When youre successful, whom do you want to This is great because 69% of employees agree theyhear about it?would work harder if they felt their efforts were bet- This insight will help you to tailor your recognition to ter appreciated. But those employees who don't feeleach individual. After researching numerous employ-adequately recognized are three times more likely toee recognition program ideas, heres a list our team leave in the following year.put together to get you started. 96"