b'Dont limit development opportunities based on solelytheir current role, or even what your organization currently offers. Combine Technologycomeswithauniqueperspec- learning model70% of learning tiveandcatalogofexperiences.should be experiential, 20% learn-with Learning andDeliveringpersonalizedlearninging from others, and 10% in struc-Development Bestisaboutmorethantopicsandturedcoursework.Thismodel Practicescoursesstronginstructionof- affordseveryonetheabilityto fers learners a variety of ways inhear,interactwith,andreflect Effectiveeducatorsunderstandwhichtointeractwiththecon- on content in a variety of waysthe need for differentiated learn- tent. This is sound advice regard- but dont stop there! Utilize tech-ing.Peopleenterdevelopmentless of whether if your learning isnology to bring ideas to life with opportunitiesatvariousstagesdelivered virtually, live in-person,videosandgames,andrecord ofunderstanding,andeveryoneor hybrid. Consider the 70-20-10sessions that can be revisited and 84'