b'THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYTirzah ThornburgSenior Talent Analyst = The Center for Sales StrategyInterviewing Techniques and Trends for 2021B ecause of recent events, un- inthecurrentmarket.Almostand top performers. Before you employment rates are muchthreequarters(72.8%)ofem- meet a candidate face-to-face or higherthanweveseeninployers are having a difficult timeovervideo,takealookattheir recent years. However, dont letfindingskilledcandidates,andtalents for the job.that fool you; its still a very com- 45% of employers are concernedSome people make a great first petitive job market out there. aboutfindingemployeeswithimpressionandblindyouwith necessary talents. theshineoftheirpersonality, Why?Inpart,becausesmartOne of the top Selection trendswhile others (especially over vid-companiesareexaminingtheirfor 2020 stated in The Center foreo)comeacrossashesitantor talentandprioritizingtheirtopSales Strategy Talent Magazine is,uncomfortable. Instead of being performers.Whentheyknownewinterviewtoolsandtech- blindedbytheshine,orturned its time to let someone go, youniques like job auditions, roleplayoffbyapoorvideointerview, can guarantee its not going to beinterviews,andprojectsubmis- look at their talents first.their top people. So, while unem- sions will increasingly gain favor ployment is higher, top talent isaswaystoaugmenttraditionalDo they have the talents that you still scarce. interviews. prioritize for the position? A good talentassessmentwillhelpyou How can you structure your in- Selecting the right people is theto see past the interview to who terviewprocesstolettoptal- key to company growth. And, forthey really are.ent shine through? And beyondthecandidateswhotrulycare that,howcanyouchangeyouraboutworkingforatop-per- 2. Be Thoughtfultraditionalinterviewingprocessformingorganization,howyou to show top talent you have anadaptyourinterviewprocessisGonearethedayswhenhiring adaptableandstrongcompanyone of the first signs of companymanagers would meet with can-culture? culture. didates in full view of the team andquizthemwhilepeople 1. Talent Assessment walkedby.Anewinterviewing Trends Shapingtechnique that organizations are Selection in 2021 Start with a verified talent assess- trying is conducting the interview ment that will help you distinguishin a setting that puts the candi-The talent shortage is a real issuebetweenadequateperformersdate at ease and helps them con-70'