b"STR AIGHT FROM THE EXPERTSJon GordonPresident,The Jon Gordon Companies14 Thoughts About Building a Great Culture1.Great leaders build and drive5.When building a team and or-great cultures. They know it's theirganizationyoumustshapeyour numberonepriority.Theycan'tculture before it shapes you. A cul-delegate it. They must lead and beture is forming whether you like it engaged in the process. or not. The key is to identify what you want your culture and organi-2.Culture is the reason why greatzation to stand for. Once you know organizations have sustained suc- the values and principles that you cess.Culturedrivesexpectationsstand for, every decision is easy to andbeliefs.Expectationsandmake; including the people you re-beliefsdrivebehavior.Behaviorcruit and hire.drives habits. Habits create the fu-ture. 6.A culture of greatness doesnt happenbyaccident.Ithappens 3.Culture beats strategy. Strate- when a leader expects greatness gy is important, but it is your cul- and each person in the organiza-ture that will determine whethertion builds it, lives it, values it, re-your strategy is successful. inforces it and fights for it.4.If you focus on the fruit of the7. Cultureisdynamic,notstat-tree (outcomes and numbers) andic. Everyone in your organization ignore the root (culture) your treecreates your culture by what they willdie.Butifyoufocusonandthink, say and do each day. Culture nourish the root, you always haveis lead from the top down, but it a great supply of fruit. comes to life from the bottom up.120"