b'SELECTION C A SE STUDYJohn HenleyManaging Partner The Center for Sales StrategyWhat Talents are Needed to Thrive in Sales ManagementA years back, we tookour partners at Talent Plus, werated a 5 out of 10. Thats a BIG few thetimeandefforttodid an intensive study to discoverGAP. Think of this compared to create a new sales talentthespecificbehaviorsthatrevenue pacing. Are you going to assessment.Wehavereferredseparate the best from the restfeel better about your month if to that as the Online Sales Talentin sales management. And justyou go into the month at 90% to Interview (OSTI) but are in thelike the sales talent assessment,budget or 50%? processofchangingthenamewe are so glad we did this. WeIfyouuseourManagement to the Sales Talent AssessmentfoundsomebigdifferencesinTalentAssessment(MTA)to (STA). At the time we did this, ourthe innate behaviors needed tohire your sales managers of the clients thought the assessmentexcel as a sales leader in 2021future, you are much more likely wewereusingwasworkingand beyond. tohavesalesleaderswhoyou very well for them. But we hadrate a 90%, as opposed to rating indicationsthatsomeoftheThe Differenceyour managers at 50%. talents needed to be a superstar sellerwerestartingtochange.Between 90% andAnotherinterestingfindingin Lookingback,itturnedoutto50% ourstudywasthat86%ofthe beaverygoodmovebecausemanagerswhoareSuperstars wedidindeeddiscoversomeTheTopPerformingSalesfrom a performance standpoint differencesinwhatseparatesManagersinourstudywerewerealsoRecommendedon superstarsellersfromtherestratedbytheirmanagersanourMTAassessmentand86% of the pack. average of a 9 on a 1-10 scale,of those who Struggle in the job with10beinghigh.Andtheof sales management were Not Throughout 2020, we embarkedContrastPerformers(thosenotRecommended. Those are pretty on a similar journey. Along withideallysuitedforthejob)werestrong odds!58'