b'them that had to be fixed. And its weird, their talentsways to make sure everyone knew their responsibility are so strong, so obvious, that you wouldnt see theirduring the sale, a checklist that has due dates, who is weaknesseswithouttheSTA.Clientswanttobuyresponsible, had everyone on the team knowing their from them, it was the execution, the Discipline thatparts. Go through at the close, and review who has they didnt have, and no one knew until they wereto do what to launch the campaign. And they follow sweeping up after them. And people liked this seller.these checklists, so they know who is responsible. It They didnt want to get them in trouble. keeps everyone on track, and to be honest, I now use these checklists with the whole staff because it has What did you learn from talenthelped this seller so much.feedback with a Talent Analyst andHow did the results of your coaching coaching this seller? affect their business?That it can be fixed! I had a talented AE who was making me bald because I was so frustrated and thenTheir retention is higher. We were selling and then found a really small workaround that fixed the issue,losing, making up cancellations, or getting requests and they havent had the issue in over a year. If I hadto change reps, so now they have consistent billing, nothadthatconversation,Iwouldnthavegottenand clients want to stay with them.what I needed to fix it. I knew they were strong inWhat is one tip youd give to other sales relationships, responsible, so I assumed they would activate and have the Discipline to get it done, butmanagers?just because those are strong talents, I didnt see the weaker talents I needed to coach around. Make sure they have the STA on file and if not, do an STA for coaching. If they do have an STA, call CSS What are specific things that you did toand have Talent Feedback so you can get insight on help overcome the challenge, other thanyour AEs. I also think its important if you are a new manager. Get STAs on your team so you can get the STA Feedback? makeup of the team and then call and set up feed-Creatingchecklistsandreallywalkingthesellerback to identify how to lead them.Also, Im a firm through them. It was easy to identify they were abeliever in the fact that people are so important. In hunter, but they didnt want to clean the kill, make16 years in one market, no one on my team quit, so the food, serve it and clean up after. You had this onewhen I came into a new role, getting to know them, step down, but the rest was a hot mess. If you cantlearning to speak their love language was so import-fix that, you will always be on this hamster wheel,ant. And the STA helps you speak their love language. gaining and losing clients. So, sit down and do an STA on each person on staff. That should be part of onboarding for a new leader, I had to help them see that they needed to createcoming to a new staff.87'