b"THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGYStephanie DownsPartner/VP Senior Consultant The Center for Sales StrategyCENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY BLOGIs Your Revenue Problem Really a Culture Problem?E mployeeengagement,col- each yearit literally pays to en- tionCompanieswithen-laboration, talent retention,sure your people are happy andgagedemployeesexperience andclientsatisfactionareengaged at work. 233% greater customer loyal-all essential elements of compa- A strong company culture has aty.ny culture. And studies show thatsignificantimpactonbusinessWhen people feel their voice and each has a significant impact onperformanceandgoals.Itleadsvalues are reflected in their com-revenue growth. to improvements in productivity,pany culture and that theyre part When performance numbers ar- employeeengagement,happi- ofabiggerpurpose,theyfeel en'twhereyouexpectthemtoness, new skill development, andmore invested in the companys be,whatdoyounormallyattri- more. Having a strong companysuccessandcontributemoreto bute that to? Most sales manag- culture is proven to: the overall bottom line.ers agree that when sales perfor- Increase Productivity and Rev-mancesuffers,theythinkmoreenueOrganizationswithAligning Business activity is needed, the right peo-ple arent on the team, or the pro- highlyengagedemployeesStrategies and growrevenue2.5timesas cessesarebroken.Rarelydoesmuch as those that dont. Company Culturecompany culture come to mind.What happens to revenue whenReduceRegrettableTurnoverMarketschange,businessstrat-yourteamlacksclarityanden-It can minimize our top per- egies shift, and either intention-gagement? formersandtheleadersonallyorunintentionally,company the team from leaving. Someculture happens. When business turnover is good and needs tostrategies change, your company Company Culturehappen but losing those thatculture must change with itor Impacts Yourarethestrongplayershurts.vice versa.Research shows that engaged Bottom Line employees are 87% less likelyWhenasalespersoninteracts to leave the company. with a prospect or client, theyre Unhappy employees cost Ameri- involved in both business strategy can businesses over $550 billionImprove Key Customer Reten- and culture. They want to close 126"