b'INTRODUCTIONWe are thrilled to announce this yearsTalent Superhero Award Winners! The nominations we received were extraordinarilying performance of the entire organization! And they strong, which made our job of determining the wor- dont stop there. These epic talent champions retain thiest warriors exceedingly difficult. After a significanttheir top sellers, working with them to ensure they are struggle for truth, justice, and the talent focused man- continually soaring up, up, and away in their careers, agement way, we are now ready to announce our 13guiding them to success, prosperity, and happiness, Talent Superheroes for 2022.and never letting them stray far from the protection of the team or fall prey to the evil villains hoping to What Is a Talent Superhero? snatch them away.Many believe they are the worlds mightiest mortals. These Talent Superheroes have great power when A Talent Superhero does more than leap tall buildingsit comes to finding, hiring, growing, and retain-in a single bound. These crusaders can be seen Recruit- ing top talent. Today we recognize them for their ing, Selecting, Developing, and Engaging top perform- strength and service, and we remind them that ers in their markets every day!with great power comes great responsibility!They fight to find sales superstars innocently roam-ing the market and they bring them onboard before they become overpowered by the competition. Then they use their selection powers to safely deliver those star sellers into the right jobs for their unique abilities. These management marvels also use their super coach-ing strength to develop each person on their team, often growing them as much as 10 times and increas-10 Your 2022 Talent Superheroes'