b'RESOURCESRecruitment Q&ASelection Q&A With current talent shortages, leaders are finding itUsing talent assessments, conducting good interviews, more challenging to recruit and select top talent. Weand considering talent, fit, skills, and experience during will kick off our Q&A with tips to enhance your recruit- your selection process are crucial to ensure you bring ment strategy.the right people on board. Our Q&A continues with selection tips.With recruitment methods changing radically in the past few years, whatHow do you use talent assessments creative ways have you used to find andduring your selection process to ensure qualify talent? you bring the right people on board?Being consistent with LinkedIn to see who circlesThe talent assessments have really helped me become towards our industry regardless of what industry theya better interviewer. When I see a potential weakness are in. I use my network to meet IRL or virtually withbased on themes, I include questions during the inter-a salesperson from a different industry at least everyview that would help me understand how the candi-other week. This may even be to find some commondate may navigate a particular situation that is outside trends. The goal is to see who simplifies complex salesof their comfortability. The goal is not to surprise them processes. with tough questions, it is more to learn how they will Frank Palino respond to facets of the role that are required yet not Director of Sales, TEGNA Seattle in their nature based on the STA results.How often to you communicate with theAmy Coplen people in your Talent Bank? Why is thisLocal Sales Manager, TEGNA Austin so important to do?Any time candidates reach out about our Account The frequency and variety of ways in which you com- Executive position, I thank them for their interest and municate with people in your talent bank both matters.send them the link to our talent assessment. I let them Categorize your talent bank into long-term and short- know it will take about a half an hour of their time, term prospects to determine the frequency of touches.and that I will send them a copy of their Top Talent Garner as many contact points as possible so you canReport afterward. People appreciate the insight into switch up your communication between texts, phone,their natural strengths, and it sets us apart from other email and social. With talent youve identified for ancompanies that do not offer such a useful resource. immediate opportunity, reach out every few days andMost importantly though, I review every candidates get other members of your team to reach out as well.talent assessment to see if his or her talents match up With talent youve spoken with previously and theyrewith what Im looking for on my team before I even do happy where they are, build your relationship over timea first interview. It saves so much time when Im only with a combination of friendly reach outs, in-personinterviewing candidates that have the innate strengths meet-ups for coffee or lunch, and more formal asksfor the position! The talent assessment is an incredible when something changes on your end that might becompass in the recruitment process, as it guides me of interest to them. When youre consistent with yourthrough the pool of candidates to discover the ones communication over the long term, you demonstratethat are the best match for my position!how much you value the candidate and provide a pre- Allison Delagrange view to the kind of commitment you would make toGeneral Sales Manager, Federated Media Fort Waynethem when they join your team one day. Christine SieksAt Hubbard Phoenix we have learned that the talent Regional Market President/Chief Revenue and Contentassessments and talent coaches are a key resource Officer, Townsquare Media Northern New Englandfor us. We use them for all sales hires and schedule Superhero Spotlight 157'