b'ENGAGEMENTbranding to effectively communicate who they are andbecome contagious, stymieing motivation across how they make a positive impact are three times morethe board.likely to make better hires. Getting their good name out8.Power struggles. Conflicts between departments there pays off! consistently lead to underperformance, unhappi-And, of course, having a strong company culture willness, and a lack of goal attainment.make your current employees happier and more pro- 9.Round pegs in square holes. Poor recruitment ductiveand happy employees dont leave. practices lead to less qualified candidates being A recent Gallup poll found that 75% of employees whohired into positions where they struggle because were actively disengaged were either thinking abouttheyre not ready for them yet (or never will be).leaving or were planning to leave within 12 months.10. Performance problems. Employees lack an emo-Only 7% of actively engaged employees said they weretional commitment to their job and fail to bring planning on leaving their jobs within 12 monthsandtheir best to work, which lowers productivity and nearly three-quarters (73%) planned on staying withperformance.their employer for at least two years or longer. Com-panies save time and money by retaining their peopleHow Does Company Culture and avoiding the ongoing need to fill positions and thenAffect Employee Engagement?onboard and train new hires.When company culture is strong, engagement is too; What Does a Bad Companyculture and engagement go hand in hand. As the culture Culture Look Like? improves, employee engagement gets higher.Lets take a moment to define engagement. We would The difference between a company with a strong culturesay that engaged employees are emotionally committed and one thats struggling is vast. A bad company culture isand willing to give their best at work. As a result, they toxic and unproductive. It can lead to high turnover, lowfully activate their talents and give their work all theyve productivity, and poor performance. Here are the topgot, which means that theyre putting in more effort, 10 symptoms we see in companies with poor cultures: working harder, and taking on extra responsibilities. It 1.High employee turnover. Talented people dontalso means that theyre more willing to go above and want to work in a toxic environment. beyond, and they have a positive attitude toward their 2.Identity crisis. Employees complain that the com- work and colleagues.panys core values dont align with what its reallyIn short, a strong culture makes for engaged employees, like to work there. and engaged employees make your company better!3.Drama. Office gossip and unwanted cliques fester and divide the workforce. Why is it Important That 4.Missing persons. Employees are absent moreEmployees are Engaged?often than those at competitor companies and even those physically showing up for work end upLets think of employee engagement in terms of your Quiet Quitting. company campfire. Imagine all of your employees gath-5.Lack of recognition. Employees report that theirered around your company campfire what would that hard work often goes unnoticed and believe otherslook like? are rewarded more than they should be. Your engaged employees are the ones tending to the 6.Stalemate. Communication between departmentsfire. Theyre adding logs, stoking the fire, and working is lacking or nonexistent, which leads to mistakes,to ensure it is always burning bright.redundancies, and lower-quality work. Those who are not engaged are sitting back with their 7.Energy crisis. A lack of enthusiasm and motivationfeet kicked up, enjoying time with coworkers, and feeling brings down the energy of an entire group and cancontent to let others make it happen.140 The Ultimate Guide to Company Culture'