b'RECRUITMENTtalent based on specific qualifi- knows exactly which talentsour needs are for the staff and the cations, such as industry expe- you need.talents were looking for, has been rience and job title, which can2.Time-saving:Corporateincredibly helpful.It takes some of save time and resources in therecruiters can save your orga- the heavy lifting off of my plate so I recruitment process. Use Linke- nization time and resourcescan be in the field working with our dIn to connect with other pro- by handling the recruitmentsellers and knowing that the best fessionals in your industry soprocess for you. This freescandidates are going to be fun-you can expand your networkup time for other importantneled towards me. Media Sales and find more potential super- tasks.Director star candidates.3.Candidate reach: CorporateAt CSS, we recommend adopting a 6. Consider LinkedIn Recruiter: Arecruiters have access to awere always hiring mindset and fee-based service for advancedwiderangeofcandidates,many of our clients feel the same recruiting tools such as the abil- including those who may notway. ity to message potential candi- be actively seeking new jobI believe you should always be dates and see who has viewedopportunities.recruiting.Even if you do not have your job listings.4.Cost-effective:Corporatea position open, you should have 7.Keep referral opportunitiesrecruiters can be cost-effec- a strong bench.It is our goal to frontandcenter:LinkedIntiveforyourorganization,always have our Top 5 candidates allows you to see who in youras they often have access toidentified and we keep the rela-network is connected to poten- resources and tools that cantionship warm. Media Director of tial candidates, increasing yourhelp you find the right candi- Sales chances of getting a referraldates quickly and efficiently.Instead of telling people you dont and a more qualified candidate. 5.Long-termrelationships:have any openings right now, tell Corporate Recruiters:Corporate recruiters oftenthem youre always looking for top develop long-term relation- talentlets talk! With this mind-The third most popular way to findships with top talent and canset, recruitment is happening all Sales Superstars is to use corpo- be a valuable resource forthe time, whether you have an rate recruiters to find new employ- your organization as it growsopen position or not. Then, when ees, a common practice amongand evolves over time.you finally need to make a hire, you organizations of all sizes. Corpo- 6.Market knowledge: Corpo- have a talented group of people rate recruiters are responsible forrate recruiters have a goodsitting on the bench to pull from. identifying, sourcing, and recruit- understandingofthejob ing candidates for open positionsmarket, the competitive land- We wish you great success in find-within the company.scape, and the current hiringing your next Sales Superstars! Some benefits of using corporatetrends to help you stay ahead recruiters include:of the competition. 1.Expertise: Corporate recruit- Whenworkingwithcorporate ers are trained professionalsrecruiters be sure to communicate with experience in identify- your requirements clearly and be ing, sourcing, and recruitingavailable to give feedback through-top talent. They know how toout the process to ensure that the find the best candidates andrecruiters are finding the right can-how to evaluate their quali- didates for your organization. fications and fit for the job.Having a great working relation-Use the Job Analysis and Specship with my recruiter, along with sheet to ensure the recruitermy recruiter understanding what 30 Superstar Study'