b'ENGAGEMENT STRAIGHT FROM THE expertsManaging BurnoutBy Kelly GeorgeTalent Analyst andEngagement Specialist, The Center for Sales Strategy and Up Your CultureT hese past few years have been incredibly chal- out. Employee burnout has been on the rise globally lenging for leaders worldwide. As you take awith an estimated 44% of workers reporting symptoms look around your organization, have you noticedof burnout. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated any of the following for your leadership team or yourthe issue, with remote work and increased workloads employees:leading to higher levels of stress and burnout. Exhaustion: Physical, emotional, and mental exhaus- A recent Korn Ferry survey reported that: tion that doesnt go away after time off.89% of professionals say they are suffering from Decreased job satisfaction: A feeling of disillusion- burnout, with the vast majority (81%) reporting they ment and negative attitude towards work.are more burned out now than they were before Decreased motivation: Loss of drive, energy, andanyone had ever heard of COVID-19.motivation to perform tasks.Employee burnout accounts for 40% of staff turn-Increased absenteeism: Taking more time off work,over, and the average cost of replacement for these frequently calling in sick.workers is 120%-200% of their original salary. Decreased productivity: Decline in quality andAnd a Deloitte survey revealed that almost 70% of exec-quantity of work being produced.utives are considering leaving their jobs for workplaces Decreased engagement: Lack of enthusiasm andthat care more for their well-being. According to the investment in ones job and responsibilities.same study, 57% of employees outside of management roles want to quit for similar reasons. Fatigue and lack Increased cynicism: Negative outlook and mistrustof support are dominant factors in leaders and execs towards ones employer, coworkers, and/or job duties.leaving their roles. Health problems: Physical symptoms such as head- Forbes reports that in 2022 alone, major corporations, aches, sleep disturbances, and digestive issues.including Amazon, Starbucks, Pinterest, and American If so, you are not alone. These are all symptoms of burn- Airlines, have seen their CEOs resign. Thats in addition 134 Managing Burnout'