b'ENGAGEMENTRegardless of where your employees get their work done, its important to remember that a strong com-pany culture is essential. Focusing on building a cul- 70% of managers can easily ture that is independent of physical office space is thearticulate their Core Values, key to success, regardless of your work model. If yourbut only 44% of employees company culture revolves around in-person huddlescan say the same. and group activities, it may be difficult to maintain that sense of community in a hybrid or remote model. Instead, a culture centered around a Shared Mission, a sense of belonging, and passion for the work, your teamRESPONDENTS WHO FEEL can thrive regardless of their location.A SENSE OF PURPOSE IN Shared Mission: Reason for Being,THEIR WORKCore Values, and Vision Are companies providing a clear sense of where theyre heading and why theyreYES: 95%working so hard to get there? A Shared Mission is the foundation of a thriving cul-ture that leads to engaged employees. Its composed of three pieces: your why, your how, and your where.THREE LEVELS OF NO: 5%Lets take a closer look at each one.EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTWHY: Your Reason for Being Sometimes called a Purpose Statement, your Reasoners. Theyre the rules of the game and include how for Being states your companys purpose and describes1.Engagedyour team treats each other, works together, commu-Actively working to create why the work you do is important. It will guide, inspire,nicates, and completes assigned duties. While theres aspark and constantlyand rally employees to join a cause greater than them- a strong foundation in the why, the same cant be stoking the re.selves. Judging from our survey results, companies aresaid for the how. excelling when it comes to providing the why.1 in 3 respondents either cant recall their companys 95% of respondents report feeling a sense of purpose2.Not EngagedCore Values or isnt aware they even exist. Employees in their work. This is something to celebrate! Manywho have been there for less than three years are even Making no e\x1eort, feet kicked up.companies have successfully laid the first row of bricksless likely to be aware of their companys Core Values in their culture foundation. Employees and managers(50%). Any number is too high of a number here. alike are feeling inspired by the work theyre doing.In addition, managers are much more familiar with When we take a look at differing work models, 97% of3.Actively Disengagedtheir organizations Core Values than their employees respondents in hybrid and remote environments feelDumping water on the reare. 70% of managers can easily articulate their Core a sense of purpose in their work. But the same cant beand removing logs.Values, but only 44% of employees can say the same. said for those working in-office. Although still high, only 90% of those working in-office feel a sense of purposeMore concerning, the expectations of living by Core in their work. One in every ten people you pass in theValues are highly inconsistent. 36% of respondents hallway is not feeling inspired by the work theyre doing.dont see people demonstrating their Core Values, and 37% dont see these behaviors recognized and HOW: Your Core Valuesrewarded in others. Even worse, 61% of respondents Your Core Values describe how you achieve your whydont believe their organization makes an effort to through your interactions with coworkers and custom- hire people who embody their Core Values, and a ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report 119'