b'DEVELOPMENTThroughout his time as an entrepreneur, WoodmanDecreased Quiet Quittingfailed time and time again. His setbacks would haveI dont need to define it. At this point, everyone knows caused most people to throw the towel in. The key towhat quiet quitting is. We also know that strong cul-Woodmans visionary leadership is his flexibility andture and high levels of employee engagement trans-vulnerability. Hes coined the acronym FAILFromlate to low levels of quiet quitting. When employees Action I Learn. He successfully maneuvered throughare emotionally committed and willing to bring their obstacles, keeping his vision and his people at thebest to work every day, quiet quitting isnt a common forefront of it all. theme. Visionary leadership sets the stage.Benefits of Visionary LeadershipAttractive Employer BrandIs your imagination sparking yet with ideas for theYour employer brand is your companys identity and vision of your own company? Hopefully, your wheelsreputation as an employer. With a visionary leader at are turning. Its easy to see the financial benefits ofthe helm, its easy to establish a strong reputation. visionary leadership if we look at Ford, Hastings, andYour employees are energized and engaged, your cus-Woodmans stories, but lets look at the additionaltomers and clients are benefitting, and the direction benefits youll see by embracing visionary leadership.youre heading is clear to everyone who wants to take All of these benefits go hand-in-hand. a look. The Brandon Hall Group discovered that com-panies with strong employer brands are 3x more likely Strong Culture to make better hires. Employer brand is important to Painting a vision and turning it into action throughthe sustainable growth of a company.your people will strengthen the culture of your orga-nization. People want to feel connected to the biggerHow to Become A Visionary picture of the organization and understand the impactLeaderthey have every day. Visionary leaders have the ability to rally everyone together and move them forwardAs Walt Disney said, If you can dream it, you can do toward a common goal. The mission, or why, and theit!values, or how, are ultimately born from the vision. The first step to becoming a visionary leader is, of As we learned in Nick Woodmans story, visionarycourse, to dream up your vision. Imagine the future leadership also establishes psychological safety byof your organization using innovation, creativity, and creating an environment where its okay to be inno- wisdom. Remember the visions of Ford, Hastings, and vative, even if it means making mistakes. When peopleWoodman. Where do you see your organization three, feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable, it brings thefive, and ten years from now? Start with a clean sheet team closer together. of paper and begin reimagining.Once your vision is defined, your ability to become a High Levels of Engagement visionary leader relies heavily on your ability to create From strong cultures, engaged employees are born.strong, lasting habits. Here are four areas to focus on:According to Forbes, highly engaged teams show 21%1. Make it Actionablegreater profitability, 41% reduction in absenteeism, and 59% less turnover. Remember, the leader in visionary leadership turns Engagement is the emotional commitment and will- a vision into action. Paint an inspiring picture of your ingness to give your best at work. Employees whovision, and be vulnerable! Let people know mistakes come to work every day excited about the where, why,can, and will, be made.and how are naturally engaged in what theyre doing.Invite your team to come along with you on the jour-A visionary leader ensures everyones on board andney and work with them to determine the why and the working together towards the common vision. how behind the vision youve created. Make a habit of 104 An Executives Guide to Visionary Leadership'