b'DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT TA K E AWAY SWhat you need to know about Development to turn talent into performance.Investment is the great multiplier. While talentLike professional athletes, even the highest-per-and fit are both essential ingredients for selection,forming leaders valueand often craveongo-you need more than just those two ingredients toing development. High performers are highly drive performance. Your investment in someonemotivated by the opportunity to work with experts to is what truly leads to growth. Always rememberfurther grow their skillset and advance their careers. the Growth Formula: (Talent + Fit) x Investment =A coaching program, like 360 Executive Strength Growth.Coaching, gives these leaders the opportunity to fully recognize their untapped potential. Employees want to be coached rather thanDevelopment doesnt stop! Pre-Boarding, Orien-managed. Recognition is one of the most import-ant tools in a coachs toolbox. Letting someonetation, and the Heart of Onboarding are all encom-know specifically what theyve done well feels greatpassed in an employees first 90 days, but your plan to on the receiving end, and at the same time, rein- develop your new employee must continue long after forces the positive behavior youd like to see moreOnboarding ends. After an employees first 90 days, of.maximize the opportunity by celebrating milestones, reviewing achievements, and setting new goals for Get a higher ROI by focusing on strengths growth. When you focus your time trying to improve aTalent and mindset work together to achieve weakness, you can only improve by 10%. If yousuccess. Talent is your natural ability to accomplish focus your time on developing a strength, you cansomething, and mindset is the instructions you give improve by up to 10X. Give your people a clearyourself to do so. Unlike innate talent, your mindset insight into their unique strengths by sharing theircan change over time. By consistently seeking oppor-Top Talent Reports with them. Discuss strategiestunities for growth and maintaining focused atten-they can use to maximize their talents and set ation, you have the power to positively influence your couple of growth goals along the way.mindset and drive your success forward. Use the Growth Guide to develop your rela- Visionary leaders are those who turn their vision tionships. It provides you with the opportunity tointo action through their people. Become a vision-understand how someone wants to be managed,ary leader by identifying your vision for the future, what truly motivates them, and how you can sup- clearly articulating it, and stoking the fire within your port them to be at their best. Growth Guides shouldteam to get them on board. Visionary leadership leads be revisited every year because motivations andto a strong culture, high levels of employee engage-goals can change!ment, and an attractive employer brand. 106 Development Takeaways'