b"ENGAGEMENTregress with tenure. Its clear people are losing trustto do. This number drops to 73% in those working for over time. 86% of respondents who have been withtheir company 6-12 months but significantly declines their company for fewer than six months agree theyin those with longer tenure. Only 48% of respondents have faith in the integrity of their company leaders.who have worked for their company for 1-3 years Those 6-12 months drop slightly to 82%, but thoseagree that their manager always does what they say they will do. If managers arent holding themselves accountable for the promises theyve made, wheres the incentive for employees to do the same? Earned Trust is fragile. 30% Lacking follow-through, even just one time, results in a trust breakdown thats difficult to rectify. Culture starts at the top with leaders. A culture without fol-low-through and trust is a culture of disengagement. Where do we go from here? 30% It Starts with a Spark! Now that you know how people are feeling, you may be asking yourself, whats next? Its okay to start small. DON'T HAVE FAITH INRemember, it only takes one spark to ignite your camp-THE INTEGRITY OFfire. We challenge you to ignite the fire by establishing THEIR COMPANY. a foundational Shared Mission. Begin by focusing on one area: your why, your how, or your where. Work as a team to identify a strong Reason for Being, DON'T HAVE FAITH INor why, collaborate to define your how through a 1-3 years significantly drop to 70%. This is followed bystrong set of Core Values, or maybe you want to begin THE INTEGRITY OFby sharing your vision for where youre heading in those whove been at their company for four years or moreonly 66% of those with a tenure of four years THEIR COMPANY. the future. or longer agree they have faith in the integrity ofOnce youve created the spark for your company camp-their company leaders.fire, it takes consistent care to prevent the flames from Among countless other benefits, trust reduces work- dwindling. One at a time, continue to establish strong place stress, promotes fearless change, and leads tohabits surrounding your culture. Before you know it, better teamwork and collaboration. Trust can eithereveryone on your team will be gathered around a roar-be built or broken over time. Optimism is high whening fire and tending to the flames. people join a company, but it seems integrity becomesInterested in learning more? In ENGAGE 2023: The inconsistent over time, causing a breakdown in trust.Company Culture Report, we provide you exclusively Equally as concerning is the level of follow-throughwith all of the data and insights from our 2023 survey, employees receive from their managers. 42% offollowed by expert strategies to help improve overall respondents report that their manager only some- culture and boost employee engagement. times or rarely does what they say theyre going to do. Front-line employees report they can only count on their direct supervisors 50% of the time. Just like the integrity of company leaders, manager fol-low-through dwindles over time. 79% of those working for their company for fewer than six months agree that their managers always do what they say theyre going ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report 123"