b'SELECTION1.Contract Workers : Companies will6.The Candidate Experience : Can-rely less on traditional full-time employees anddidate experience will become a huge focus turn more often to contract workers to helpthis year.Job seekers who have a good inter-them meet their scaling needs. Experts recom- action in the interview process are more apt to mend a ratio of 70% full-time employees andhave interest and share their experiences with 30% contract workers. others.2.Talent and Skills : Employees are chart- 7.Interview Tactics : Before selecting a ing non-linear career paths. To fill critical rolescandidate, many companies are now focusing in 2023, organizations will become more com- more on determining if the candidate will be fortable assessing candidates solely on theirthe right fit through role-play interviews and ability to perform in the role. Skills and expe- mock projects. Some companies will even rience will take the back burner, and a higherbegin to extend an offer for a paid job trial day to allow candidates real-world exposure focus on innate talents will be prominent. Com- to the job, while also assessing their real-world panies will use validated talent assessmentsperformance on the team. to select the candidates who have the natural strengths to succeed in the open position.8.Culture Ambassadors : Companies will begin to form a Culture Ambassador team 3.Sense of Belonging : Companies willto aid in narrowing candidates to hire.The work to create a strong sense of belongingCulture Ambassador will greet the candidate while working to select top talent with diverseat the front door, walk them around, and build experiences, age groups, and backgrounds. rapport.They will be able to see if a person is living by a companys Core Values and they may be able to share more details that a manager 4.Engaging Your Candidates : It willmisses during the interview process.be important to continue to sell your company and the position throughout the selection pro- 9.Employer Branding : Instead of show-cess to keep candidates on the hook. Engagingcasing products, perks, and office amenities, candidates by providing them with value-addedcompanies will publicize what the company is information gives hiring managers a reason todoing to support their employees, customers, reach out, even when they dont have newsand communities. about the hiring decision.5.Culture Fit : Every candidate selected10. Employee Referral Programs : Employee referral programs and incentives are either adds to or detracts from a companyshere to stay. Companies benefit by gaining can-culture. To build strong teams, it will be moredidates who are a strong fit for the job, employ-important than ever that companies selectees feel more their voices are valued, and the people who innately share their core values andnew hires will come in with existing workplace align with their mission.connections to help them feel comfortable.Selection Trends 61'